Code of ethics
The Ethical Statement of the Croatian Journal of Fisheries is based on the guidelines and standards developed and published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). All documents are available free of charge on the COPE website.
The Croatian Journal of Fisheries is a member of CrossCheck, a multi-publisher initiative to screen published and submitted content for originality. By depositing published content and checking submitted manuscripts for plagiarism, CJF is actively committed to combating plagiarism and devoted to the publication of original research.
Principles authors should adhere to:
Present original material that transparently shows the research process and fully reveals the value their research brings to the literature. To ensure originality upon publication, authors should not submit the same article or research simultaneously to more than one publication.
Ensure that any work presented as new and original is indeed new and original, which requires adding citations for all or part of any work that originated with other authors, and also adding quotation marks to any text that originated with other authors. The inclusion of plagiarized text in an article is never acceptable.
Provide sufficient detail in each article (including the raw data used to support the conclusions made in the article, if requested by the peer reviewer) so that experts in the relevant field can attempt to replicate the article’s findings and conclusions. Results of tests and other research should be presented directly and honestly in the article, free from falsity, fabrication or other inappropriate manipulation. The inclusion of fraudulent data or knowingly inaccurate statements in the article is never acceptable.
Conduct research for each article in an ethical and responsible manner that complies with relevant legislation and applicable industry rules and guidelines.
Provide retractions or corrections to an article promptly upon discovery or notification (and verification) of inaccuracies in the article.
Include with each article submitted for publication a complete and accurate list of reliable sources for all facts in the article.
Disclose in each article all actual or perceived conflicts of interest, including all sources of funding for the article.
Ensure accurate authorship attribution for each article, with all listed authors who made a significant contribution to the research and/or article, and all individuals who made a significant contribution to the research and/or article properly included as co-authors. Authors should take collective responsibility for all articles they submit and all articles they publish.
Principles peer reviewers should adhere to:
Review all articles objectively, without bias or favouritism based upon the origin of the article, gender, race, national origin, ethnicity, religious or political beliefs, sexual orientation or age of the authors, or commercial considerations.
Review articles solely in subject areas in which they have expertise.
Before consenting to review an article, ensure sufficient time and resource availability to complete a comprehensive assessment of the article in a timely manner.
Decline to review articles that create a conflict of interest, or the appearance thereof, which can arise from the content of the article, its authors and/or its funders. When in doubt, peer reviewers should disclose the potential conflict of interest to the publisher and seek advice before proceeding with the review.
Provide reviews that are constructive and impartial, devoid of any hostile, inflammatory, libellous, unfair or unnecessarily derogatory comments.
During and after the peer review process, maintain the confidentiality of unpublished articles and refrain from discussing them with others.
Refrain from using research or information contained in unpublished articles for any purpose, including personal gain or the advantage or disadvantage of any other person or organisation.
Promptly disclose to an article’s editor that the article has not properly cited its sources, or contains errors or material omissions.