Scientific Congress Presentation


2005, 63 (2)   p. 47-60

Zlatica Teskeredžić


Adequate and regular feeding in intensive production of rainbow trout is very important to its growth, development and reproduction. In the production, therefore, special care must be taken of correct feeding in terms of both an adequate volume of the ration and the quality of the feed being used. Knowing the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the fish as well as the physico-chemical and biological parameters of water, the nutritional requirements of the fish can be determined. The facts of the nutritional requirements of rainbow trout have been sufficiently enough explored, so for the regular nutrition and production of adequate feed, the results of some experiments could be used regarding the quality of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Summarizing all above mentioned, the most important is to make the feed by using its qualitative components in regular and well balanced relationship.


rainbow trout, nutrition


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