Review article


2003, 61 (1)   p. 27-32

Merica Slišković, Gorana Jelić, Zvonko Hell


By ecological awarening of the whole community and by the broadening of the aquacultural activity on the Adriatic, the influence of the aquaculture on the environment is more questionable. The opholding of the ecological protection of the natural environment is pointed out as one of the basic goals in the by–coastal aquaculture. The processes of the net fouling, which are used for the construction of the cages, is present to a certain degree at all locations of the fish breeding. By periodical investigation of the fouling organisms it is possible, with the earlier set monitoring (chemisms of the sediments, chemisms of the water, benthic biotes and phytoplankton) to follow the influence of the existing aquacultural activity on the environment. Qualitative and quantitative constitution of the fouling organisms can indicate certain changes in the environment. There are also species that can indicate changes by their presence, i. e. they can be used as indicators of the ecological changes.


fouling, monitoring, ecological changes, eutrophic, mesotrophic and oligotrophic water.


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