Review article


1997, 55 (1)   p. 19-26

Boško Skaramuca, Emin Teskeredžić, Zlatica Teskeredžić


Croatia is the country where the sea was used as a food source about a thousand years ago. The tradition of some forms of collection and culture of marine organisms is very long along the Adriatic coast. The farming of marine organisms has a long tradition on the eastern Adriatic coast dating back to the 19th century. L o r i n i (1903) mentioned a figure of 116 such fish ponds on the eastern Adriatic coast. Long tradition of shellfish and fish breeding and particularly a growing fund knowledge recently provided a mariculture development at a growing pace. The eastern Adriatic coast with a number of bays, coves and channels protected from the wind and waves by chains of islands provide marvelous conditions for intensive farming on floating platforms


mariculture, history, perspectives


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