Review article


1996, 54 (2)   p. 75-91

Ivan Bogut, Anđelko Opačak


According to the needs for the essential fatty acids, the fish can be classified in three groups: For the fish from Salrrwnidae family (Oncorhynhcus kisutch, O. keta, O. nerka and O. tshawytscha) the essential is 18: 3 in the quantity of 1%. The same effect in regard to growth and nutrition coefficient can be achieved with the addition of highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUF A) ω 3 rows in the quantity of 9. 5%. The Californian trout (Oncorhynhcus mykiss) is needier than the other fish for 20: 5 ω 3 and 22: 6 ω 3. Its needs is 1%. For the fish from Coregonidae family (Coregonus lavaretus, C. peled and C. nasus) the essential is 18: 3 ω 3 in the quantity of 1% or the combination 20: 5 ω 3 (o. 25%) and 22: 6 ω 3 (O. 25%). Fresh-water fish from the Anguillidae family (Anguilla anguilla and A. japonicai, Cyprinidae family (Cyprinus carpio), Ictaluridae family (lctalurus punctatus) have needs for 18: 2 ω 3 in the quantity of 1-2% or RUFA O. 5-1%. The fatty acids ω 6 row (18: 2 ω) 6 or 20: 4 ω 6) are important for the fish from Cichlidae family (Tilapia zillii and Orechromis nilaticus) in the quantity of 1%. Te sea fish Rhombus maximus and Pagnus major achieve the best growth when they receive HUFA ω 3 row up to 2% together with the food. Rancid ointment, eruk-acid from the rape oil, gosipol and cyclophrophenoid acid from the cotton seeds oil if added to fish food cause the reduced growth and pathologic changes on fish liver, kidneys, heart and gills.


fresh-water fish, sea fish, fatty acids omega and omega 6 row, rancidity ointment


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