DOI: 10.14798/71.2.636



2013, 71 (2)   p. 58-64

Tibor Janči, Danijel Kanski, Marina Dulić, Nives Marušić, Helga Medić, Tomislav Petrak, Sanja Vidaček


The aim of this study was to determine the chemical composition of fresh and cold smoked rainbow trout fillets (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farmed in the Adriatic sea by measuring water, fat, protein, salt and ash content, fatty acid profile with an emphasis on eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) fatty acids. Physical characteristics were determined by pH and color measurements. Analysis was performed on homogenized fish muscles without skin and bones. Determination of moisture, ash, fat and protein was conducted according to AOAC (1995). Determination of fatty acid content of previously prepared methyl esters (HRN EN ISO 5509, 2004) was conducted by gas chromatography according to HRN EN ISO 5508 (1999). Results showed that fresh rainbow trout farmed in the Adriatic sea is an excellent protein source (21.21%) but has slightly lower fat (5.21%) and omega-3 fatty acid content (12.52 %) compared to the results of other studies. Fat and omega-3 fatty acid content was not decreased by the process of cold smoking. Overall, fresh and smoked trout farmed in the Adriatic may be regarded as food high in nutritional value.


nutritional value, omega-3, sea farmed trout, cold smoked fish


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