DOI: 10.14798/72.3.749

Short communication, Note

THREATENED FISHES OF THE WORLD: Telestes turskyi (Heckel, 1843) (Cyprinidae)

2014, 72 (3)   p. 123-124

Tanja Mihinjač, Zoran Marčić, Milorad Mrakovčić, Perica Mustafić, Davor Zanella, Marko Ćaleta


Tursky dace, Telestes turskyi, is a freshwater species endemic to the Adriatic drainage. This species is found only in two rivers in Croatia, the River Krka and River Čikola, and is protected by Croatian law. Major threats for this species are extremely limited distribution, river regulation, water extraction and pollution. Suggested conservation actions for this species are: habitat protection, bans on regulation and alteration of watercourse and restriction of introduction of alien fish species.


telestes turskyi, cyprinidae, adriatic watershed, conservation


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