DOI: 10.14798/73.1.802
Short communication, Note
THREATENED FISHES OF THE WORLD: Cobitis jadovaensis Mustafić & Mrakovčić, 2008 (Cyprinidae)
2015, 73 (1) p. 46-47
Tanja Mihinjač, Zoran Marčić, Milorad Mrakovčić, Perica Mustafić, Davor Zanella, Ivana Buj, Marko Ćaleta
Cobitis jadovaensis is a stenoendemic freshwater fish species distributed only in the River Jadova, a small stream in the karst region of Lika in Croatia. Major threats for this fish species are: extremely limited distribution, water abstraction, introduction of alien fish species and increasing severity of droughts. Recommendations for conservation are: habitat protection, prevention of outspreading of alien species from the River Lika and bans on introduction of newalien fish species.