DOI: 10.14798/73.3.830

Short communication, Note

THREATENED FISHES OF THE WORLD: Ladigesocypris irideus (Ladiges, 1960) (Cyprinidae)

2015, 73 (3)   p. 132-133

Fevzi Yılmaz, Bülent Yorulmaz, Daniela Giannetto


Anatolian ghizani Ladigesocypris irideus is a Cyprinid species, endemic only to some localities in Southwest Anatolia (Turkey). In recent years, population of this species exhibits tendencies to decline due to habitat degradation and water abstraction. Currently, the species is considered as Near Threatened (NT) in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.


ladigesocypris irideus, endemic species, conservation, western anatolia


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